Back on the grid after two weeks on retreat with Shinzen Young. He gave a very interesting talk about the 10 Zen ox-herding pictures a few years ago. Have a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8aN9O73lgg
On a recent retreat, I made the following journal entry:
Kinder kinder kinder. Gentler gentler gentler. It’s always sweeter and less effortful than you think. You spent so many days switching techniques looking for something to lessen the efforting, but the technique doesn’t cause the effort, the identification with an efforting self does!
Any technique is the right technique, with the right relationship to it. Kind. Gentle. Curious. Allowing. Without expectations.
One of my teachers, Shinzen Young, shared a comment that his Zen teachers used to repeat. “Today’s enlightenment is tomorrow’s mistake.”
He calls it the “enlightenment trap.” You have an insight, and walk away with expectations about the way things are/will be. The idea here is: don’t rest on your laurels. Don’t expect things to be how they’ve been. Forever newly curious. Continually letting go.